Surgical Treatment
Hair transplantation is a minor surgical technique that guarantees the partial restoration of your own head of natural hair. Results can be remarkable but you will never regain the original density of your native hair. However it is the only guaranteed method that overcomes hair loss and can provide a solution for both male and some females with pattern hair loss.
It will take approximately four months for new hair to start growing and the natural hair will continue to mature in colour and body for 12 to 18 months after the surgical procedure.
Implanting of grafts into treatment area
FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) is the latest development in advanced hair transplant techniques where a small precise round punch is used to extract follicular units from a patient’s DHT resistant donor area.
The follicular units are carefully harvested and the grafts and
are then transplanted into the patient’s treatment area.
FUE donor area immediately post op.
The hairs are placed in the direction and angle of the hair growth to form a natural looking hairline and realistic look.
The overall result is your own hair performing naturally as it did before and only you and the people you choose to tell need ever know about your treatment.
The procedure is relatively painless and involves only a little discomfort when applying the anaesthetic.
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is an older and substantially more invasive form of hair transplant surgery and involves removing an entire piece of scalp from the donor area at the back of the head, trimming this into individual hair grafts, and planting them into the thinning areas at the top of the patient’s head. Local anaesthetic is applied to the donor area before taking a strip and a linear scar will remain in the donor area, but this can usually be hidden under the patient’s hair if left a little longer.